Area: 487ha (1203ac). Gwydir Shire Council. $2,414.00pa.
LHPA Rates: $450.00pa.

Situation: 55km from Inverell.

Service: Power available. Mail 3 times per week. Primary and secondary schools at Delungra. Air services, Armidale or Moree to Sydney. Saleyards at Inverell, being the 6th largest selling centre in the state, weekly fat cattle & sheep sales, monthly store cattle sales. Export abattoir at Inverell. Inverell is one of the major shopping and service centres of Northern NSW.

Country: Undulating. Black and Chocolate Basalt soils.

Area: Approximately 121.45ha (300ac) – 60.72ha (150ac) Warrego Oats. Balance back to natural grasses.

Development: Approximately 20.24ha (50ac) Sara Lucerne sown 2010.

Timber: Apple, Kurrajong and White Box.

Water: 3 Permanent Creeks. 4 Dams.

Rainfall: 700mm (28inches).

Fencing: Boundary: Netting and Hingejoint fair to good order.
Subdivision: 7 paddocks plus laneways to cattle yards. Hingejoint and plain wire with Barb, fair to good order.

Improvements: Cattle Yards: Steel cattle yards with Head Bale.

Capacity: Cattle: Owner currently running 120 cows and 150 steers.
Farming: Oats for feed.

General Features:
- Property Type: Mixed Farming