179 Ha (442 acres) Freehold
Situated approx. 25km West of Inverell in the Mt Russell area.
Homestead consists of 3-4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & tastefully renovated kitchen. Double garage , tool shed, storage shed, meat house, machinery/hay shed, 2 stand electric woolshed & a silo.
Soils consist of a mix of premium basalt, ranging from red – black. Approx. 350 acres is arable at present, the rest being timbered grazing country.
Reliable water with 5 dams, 2 unequipped bores & 1 unequipped well.
Alpha is currently being used to fatten sheep & the owner estimates aprrox. 80 -100 cows.
This property would make an ideal stud operation, retirement property or a great family base.