Area: 3131 ha (7733ac). Unrestricted Freehold, plus permissive occupancy and road permits etd. of 194 acres. total area 3208 ha (7927 acres). Inverell Shire Council Rates: $10,750.00p.a.
NERLPP Board Rates: $1,230.00p.a.
Services:Single phase power, Phone, primary and secondary schools at Ashford and Inverell. Mail twice weekly. Air services Armidale or Moree to Sydney. Saleyards at Inverell, being the 6th largest selling centre in the state, weekly fat cattle & sheep sales, monthly store cattle sales. Export abattoir at Inverell. Inverell is one of the major shopping and service centres of Northern NSW.
Country: Mostly gently undulating with about 8km frontage to the MacIntyre River. Fully developed black soil cropping country and extensive basalt, trap and granite grazing paddocks. Approximately 1000 acres has been retained in its natural state.
Arable Area: Basalt approx. 3500ac.of which approx. 2200 acres has been farmed and a further approx. 400 acres could be farmed. The farming country is well protected by excellent farmover contour banks and established waterways. An extensive soil conservation program has been carried out. Trap approximately 1500 acres of which 200 acres could be farmed. Granite, approx. 2921 acres of which approx.500 acres has been farmed and a further approx. 400 acres could be farmed.
Development: Approximately 450 acres has been sown to sub-tropical pastures.
Timber: Originally timbered with yellow and grey box, apple, ironbark, stringybark, kurrajong and cypress pine. Mostly cleared expect for shade and shelter belts. Supplies of fencing and milling ironbark, stringybark and cypress pine are available.
Water: Willowie is very well and safely watered by approximately 8km frontage to the MacIntyre River, 4 bores (2 with windmills, 1 equipped with engine driven pumpjack, 1 equipped with electric pump), 1 well, 10 dams, (3 recently desilted and 1 enlarged) and extensive frontage to Redbank and Hickeys Plains Station semi permanent creeks. There is an excellent reticulated water supply systems with 37,500 gallons storage tanks (170,000 litres). Several paddocks are equipped with dual water supplies so that either fresh water or water with bloat oil added can be supplied to troughs in lucerne paddocks.
Irrigation: There is a Water Resources Commission weir on the property and a irrigation license (260 megalitres) is held.
Rainfall: 711 mm (28inches) average.
Fencing: The property is well subdivided into 46 main paddocks and numerous holding paddocks. The fences and gates are in good order. New fencing and fencing renovations have been undertaken over the last six years.
Improvements: Main Homestead: Attractive large timber home of about 32 squares with an established garden. Second Homestead Lucerndale. Timber home of about 25 squares with an established garden. River cottage: Timber cottage of about 10 squares with 3 bedrooms. 4600 gallons (20,909 litres) of rain water plus additional supply from Willowie.
Machinery Sheds: 2 machinery sheds, 100ft x 60ft (30m x 18m), 60ft x 48ft (18m x 15m), 48ft x 42ft (15m x 13m).
Grain/Fodder Shed: 8 grain silos total capacity 550 tonnes, one equipped with gas fired Grain dryer.
CattleYards: Excellent cattle yards designed for easy operation with curved race, crush and calf marking cradle. Capacity over 500 head.
Sheep Yards: Sheep yards with double race and remote actuated gates.
Woolshed: 3 stand all electric with standby Cooper engine. Separate 2 stand shed, not equipped.
Workshop: 36ft x 27ft (11m x 8m)
Hayshed: 60ft x 36ft (18m x 11m)
Stables to fit 7 horses.
Plus numerous small sheds.
Fuel Tanks: 1 x 2000gal Diesel electric pump and gauge. 1 x 500gal Diesel, 1x 500gal Petrol.
Molasses tank, 6,000 gallons and 200 gallon (909 litres) mixing trough.
Capacity: Owner currently carrying 1200 ewes, 1000 first cross lambs.
460 Cows with calves at foot, 146 steers.
2011 PROGRAM: 190ac Barley. 160ac Grain Oats. 225ac Sorghum to Chick Peas. 575ac Sardi 7 Lucerene (3yrs old). 1250ac Grazing Oats (Drover).
Remarks: Whilst most of the black soil cropping area is fully developed, some additional
cultivation development, irrigation development and pasture improvement could
substantially improve what is already a highly viable business.