Llangollan is a substantial cattle breeding property with some fattening situated in a high rainfall area. The owners have carried out an annual fertilizing programme for a number of years which has substantially increased the carrying capacity of the property. This programme has also included the sowing of a variety of clovers to enhance winter growth. The property is at present running 1,150 breeders plus calves and some steers.


54kms south west of Bingara via Narrabri, 100kms south east of Moree and 54kms north west of Barraba


2,733.13 hectares (6,754 acres)


Generally undulating to hilly topography with some flats along Oakey Creek and Back Creek as well as several smaller tributaries.

The property is divided into three definite valleys in an undulating to hilly landscape with two steep mountain outcrops. The property is generally very accessible all over by 4WD vehicle.

Soils are basically a soft trap-rock type of varying depths. The property has been mostly cleared of timber except for an area of approx 90 hectares on the south east corner where the timber is denser. Timber consists mainly of ironbark, white box, apple and some pine. Approx 80 hectares is at present planted to a substantial stand of grazing oats.


44 dams throughout the whole property plus the creeks which are mostly spring fed or readily receiving run-off from the higher rainfall in the area. Many of the dams have been cleaned out during 2014 . One bore equipped, supplying water to the houses and yards.


850mm to 900mm annual average.


Boundary is plain and barbed wire in good condition, sub-divided into 11 main paddocks and 5 smaller paddocks with new fencing of plain and barbed wire.


Homestead – Large 3 bedroom timber home, maids quarters partially renovated.

Other Accommodation

2 x timber cottages 1 has been partially renovated, shearers quarters.

Machinery Sheds

6 bay timber and gal iron shed, 2 double garages.

Grain Storage

Older timber and gal iron bulk shed.

Shearing Shed

5 stand shed, steel sheep yards, plunge dip, detached sweat shed.

Cattle Yards

Timber set with race, Warwick crush, loading ramp and calf cradle.

Other Improvements

3 stable complexes, blacksmith shop, airstrip suitable for crop dusting planes.