Kildare is situated in the most northern part of the New England Tableland, located 12 klms West of Tenterfield, NSW on Kildare Road, an all-weather gravel road.
Brisbane via the New England Highway is 285 klms away, The Pacific Ocean (Ballina) 215 klms and Sydney 750 klms.
A total of 532.66ha (1316 acres) on 21 Freehold titles.
Mains power & telephone are connected and computer connection is currently via satellite.
The historic town of Tenterfield has a busy business and retail centre. There are good primary and secondary schools and a T.A.F.E. Sporting clubs are active and attractive eg football, bowling and golf. Tourism and cultural events abound. There are regular weekly livestock sales.
School bus stop is 4klm from property.
The altitude of Kildare rises from approximately 900 through to 1100 metres and the property consists of gently undulating grazing paddocks rising to steeper hills, dotted with rocky outcrops and stands of timber.
There are numerous elevated building sites throughout the property with magnificent views.
The country is well-watered by natural springs, bore, dams & a trough system through the front of the property. It is in a 34 rainfall belt.
Improvements include a 3 bedroom homestead with sleepout, shearers quarters, shearing shed, grain shed, large hay shed, machinery shed with workshop, 1 car garage, cattle yards and 2 sets of sheep yards.

Family Partnership is dissolving. Settlement required prior to Christmas