The enquiry code for this property is 1386
Please note this 4 digit code VERY carefully as it is required for all phone enquiries.

The property is situated on the southern side of Molesworth Street, approximately 500 metres from the Tenterfield Commercial Precinct.

The site forms an ideal location for either a standard residential house or for the proposed over 55′s unit development approved by Council.

The DA includes a mix of seven 2 and 3 bedroom villas all of single level design.

Whatever you build, the property is located within walking distance of general shopping, churches and bowling clubs. For families, there is a school within 600 metres and it’s less then 200 metres from public transport.

The allotment is regular in shape, flat and cleared ready for building or development. It contains well drained decomposed granite soils ideal for construction.

Electricity, town water, telephone, sewerage and garbage collection are all connected and available to the property.