‘Glen Hill’, a 561 acre property on undulating traprock country 90kms West of Tenterfield and 20kms East of Bonshaw boasts around 40 hectares of cultivation with the balance in alluvial river flats. The property is well-watered with a 2km frontage to the Dumaresq River accompanied by a 39 megalitre high security water licence, underground mains, 3phase electric pump and motor, 8 dams and creek. Improvements include a 4 bedroom weatherboard home, 2 bedroom cottage, 2 stand shearing shed, hay shed, 3 bay workshop, sheep yards, approx 3ha wine grapes and approx 250 olive trees. ‘Glen Hill’ is fenced in to 7 paddocks with fencing in good condition enabling a carrying capacity of 50 breeders or 500DSE. This sound grazing property has excellent potential for small crops, cereal crops, viticulture, olives, hay, prime lamb, cattle production and stud stock. This property has highway frontage and excellent access to the Dumaresq River with numerous camping and fishing spots. ‘Glen Hill’ is a working farm with huge potential for tourism based activities.