44 acres
Plantings 25 acres of grapes and 16.2 acres of citrus
Water Allocation
106 megs of high security water
Improvements: drip irrigation with pump, shed and filters, 3 phase power, all town services, tile drainage, 60×40 foot machinery shed, dwelling entitlement TBC, 2×1 bedroom apartments

Machinery and equipment included
1 Fiat 70hp Tractor
1 Same 85hp tractor with air
conditioner and cabin
1 x 3000 liter Tornado blaster with electronics
7 tonne diesel
Dodge truck with
600 liter silvan spray vat and boom
Tool bar with attachments
7 tynne Agrow plough
8 plate Rowling offset disc
20 plate Rowling offset disc with ram
10 aluminium orange picking ladders