Welcome one and all builders, developers, investors and home improvement specialist to purchase this almost perfectly level 720sqm block land with an older style original home. A previous D.A approval for 1 x 4 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom duplexes has lapsed so approval would now have to be applied for but the precedent has been set many times in this sought after location for similar developments.
andbull; Existing fibro cottage could be rented whilst plans are being approved
andbull; Easement free easy build block
andbull; Excellent location for re-sale and maximum capital growth
Vendor has committed to sell and will meet the market to be sold at auction on site.
Request for contracts can be made via email or via sms to 0425334005. Given the vendors
High motivation to sell no price guide will be given and the highest bid on Auction day will be considered as the true market value.