An iconic establishment in the heart of Australia’s most renowned entertainment district, this is a truly rare opportunity to secure an investment of unrivalled potential. Home to the legendary’ Sapphire Lounge’ and ‘Bada Bing’, this three storey building is to be sold in one line.

With a 24 hour liquor license and a 300 person capacity in the ‘Sapphire Lounge’, currently returning $662,780 per annum approx.

With an approximate internal footprint of 805sqm, the floorplan includes offices, storerooms, a commercial grade kitchen, three bars, private viewing rooms and dual street frontage.

Consisting of two substantial businesses with long term leases, the ‘Sapphire Lounge has been recently refurbished throughout.

Occupying a highly visible and prestigious position along what is undoubtedly one of the world’s most recognised strips, few such solid investment opportunities exist.

Sold as a going concern