Sit and watch this pay for itself if you only need to borrow two thirds of the price! Your choice whether to move in and enjoy the mountains or watch and wait from afar.
Three bedroom house (one with large built in), laundry, kitchen, lounge, dining, toilet separate from shower and bath under same roof as council approved single flat with bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen/lounge and dining combined. Fenced off flat backyard with fenced, separate yard for flat. Both have entertaining balconies, with the house one under the roofline. Single lockup garage runs the depth of the house. Two car spaces are next to garage with gated access to backyard. Freestanding shed with toilet for the handyman. Easy five minute walk to mountain village shops and cafes. Seven minutes to the railway station. Bus opposite. Preschool and primary school nearby. Over 55’s zoning for development. Leased until April 2013 at $420 for the house and $230 for the flat.