What an opportunity here!!! Purpose built 3 room facility situated on 2036m2 of land with development approval to extend to 59 places; 15 car bays, off street parking; 50 week operation; current occupancy 86% & increasing.Recently refurbished with commercial kitchen & stainless steel appliances; BASC with bus pick up; split level outdoor play environment with soft pour rubber; play forts; sandpits & bike track. This is a high quality centre with fantastic reputation; long standing fully qualified staff; very clean homely feel & leafy well shaded outdoor areas make this centre a must see. Well priced & will not last!!

* Fully accredited facility
* Close to schools & public transport
* D.A approval for 59 places
* Certificate of classification 1980
* Plans available
* Main Rd exposure
* 413m2
* $895,000.00