20 acres, zoned residential with stage one already DA approved by council. There is a DA on the balance of the site and the yield is expected to be approximately 70 lots in total.
The lots will vary in size from 500sqm to 840sqm.
Backing onto the St Gregory Hills (formerly part of the St Gregory’s College Campbelltown) and adjoining the”Manooka Valley” development, this site is ideally located and will have existing infrastructure near by.
This is an ideal opportunity to purchase and develop this property.
The land is fairly level with some raised areas to the rear and these lots would give good views over the surrounding district.
Stage 1 is 4 lots with existing road frontage. The balance when approved would be approximately 66 lots. Overall it is expected a yield of 70 lots would be achieved.
For further information, please contact John Ferguson on 0414 843 005 or 02) 4677 1348.
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