DA Approved 19 single stories flats, 9 x 1 bedroom, 8 x 2 bedrooms, 2 x 3 bedrooms, these flats for investment, all services in ground CC nearly completed ready to Build, great opportunity as top return investments, surrounding 1 bedroom apartments are leased on a casual leasing 450,00 530,00 per week for 1 bedroom flat, level land, 2640m2, simple design, low cost construction for this self contained accommodation, , easy to build minimum cost to complete, tremendous demands on such development, over 90% occupancy. Design of building flats allows for a greater return of depreciation schedule, potential strata approval STCA,
Rare Vacant Land located at the edge of Botany Bay, Water Front, Zoned Recreational & Tourism, No Height Limit, Residential, Commercial
Opposite Silver Beach, tremendous Views of Beach water and across The Bay, popular recreational area for water sports, kite boarding, bush walking, horse riding