Presenting 13/32 McLachlan Street Darwin to the astute investor is this high class apartment located in one of Darwin’s best kept secrets of inner city locations.”Majestic”,This stunning and very contemporary apartment offers you the lot! Everything you could want is at your finger tips in the heart of this wonderful city.Situated on the 7th level of this small complex, you are able to capture the cool breezes and also watch the superb and ever popular tropical electric storms and harbour views from your roomy balcony. This apartment gives you a relaxed atmosphere with the added bonus of boasting elegant and sophisticated modern finishes throughout. Also offering you, three great bedrooms which two have built in robes and the main bedroom been huge has walk in robes plus a lovely modern en-suite. The main bathroom is also well appointed with a large vanity unit complete with a”his and hers”hand basin and granite bench top finishes.The stylish kitchen has plenty on offer, also boasting granite top benches and a large amount of cupboards and also includes a dishwasher, an induction glass top cooker and an under bench oven. A large pantry is well positioned in this kitchen convenient from all angles and finished off with premium appliances. The generous open plan living /dining and lounge areas receive great natural light and cool breezes which filters through the many windows and sliding doors.The entire apartment features cool ceramic and neutral floor tiles throughout with split system air-conditioning. All this gives you the perfect environment for a very relaxed atmosphere all year round and in all weather conditions.Situated on the first floor of this complex is where the sizeable communal fenced in-ground swimming pool and spa complete with a bathroom and toilet nearby. This is a great area to enjoy a swim in total privacy from the outside world and with full security, with friends and family. Two undercover parking bays are allocated to this apartment beneath the building and again with full security.If you are looking for convenience and a certain executive lifestyle, then this wonderful luxurious apartment IS FOR YOU!! Conveniently located and with walking distance to all amenities Darwin city has to offer including large shopping centres and only a short stroll to the Skycity Casino and our wonderful Botanical Gardens plus having Darwin’s popular golf course so close, THEN LOOK NO FURTHER!!! Nothing to do here just move in and enjoy your new found easy going lifestyle.