Cleared 7-acre lot for sale, ready to go! With power and telephone wires passing and good bores in the area, this lifestyle/hobby block is a Great Buy!

Marrakai Development has been soldiering on quietly, offering a small to large residential blocks as the Darwin’s rural population moves further out

A Lovely undulating area over all, with good bore water and on Fishing, Tourism and Mining routes, the long term prospects look good here.

Marrakai is Straight down the Arnhem Hwy 50km from the Stuart Hwy, making it an easy 30 min Drive to Shops, Schools and Amenities at Humpty Doo

LOT 6052:
7-Acres fully cleared and smoothed with re-growth starting to come through.

Fenced at Back and Front, bitumen road frontage.

Nicely slopping block offering high and dry undulating land, and faces gorgeous sunset views amongst the bush

School bus for Humpty Doo runs to Marraka for the Kids!

Telstra tower in Area for Mobile phone reception or Wireless broadband.

Enquire Now:
Travis Godbold – 0419635526
Office – 08 8983 3688
Email –