Some times it’s far better to personally view a home than to just read about it… this is a classic example.
Warm and gentle with space inside and out, are the best descriptive words to use.
:: 4 generous bedrooms with ensuite to main
:: Study
:: 2 living rooms
:: Breakfast sunroom
:: Fire-place
:: Good entertaining patio
:: Polished hardwood timber floors
:: 700 sq’m block with good yard space
:: Quiet, peaceful location
:: Very established cul-de-sac street.
:: Handy to train, bay and Golf Course
These are simply details about the home, and hardly convey the real pleasure you’ll get from living here.
It will definitely be to your advantage to call and make a viewing appointment.
Viewings can be arranged for after work or Saturdays.
Kyle Woodbine or Noel Stevens will help you here… 0411.072.850
Someone is going to be very happy they made the effort to personally view this home…