This is how the future will look. Create your own Opportunity.

This business model provides an excellent and attractive opportunity for anyone looking to take control over their lives and their futures – while at the same time helping the future of the planet for future generations.

There is one very obvious thing that you’ll see, hear or sense in every member of the team – and that’s the absolute belief and genuine love for everything we do. It’s not just that we like working with the various current and developing technologies everyday (although truthfully we are a bit like a bunch of excited kids at Christmas time, especially when a really neat new product arrives at one of our stores). And it’s not simply because we love meeting like-minded people, who are as interested as we are in harnessing renewable energies and saving money (although that plays a big part for sure). Actually, the one thing that unites us is enjoying doing our bit to help get the planet into a better shape for future generations. Being able to contribute to the improvement of our environment, helping educate and share our knowledge and experience. Being able to say to our kids (and hopefully their kids too) “We started a journey to try and repair the damage we’ve all caused to the earth”–

This is the pinnacle of that journey so far.

You’ll be made REALLY welcome when you visit a store and we’ll be delighted to share our passion with you! In terms of the potential, the sky’s the limit – come with us if you have:
• A real desire to take control of your future
• The drive to work for yourself and be successful in your own business
• A strong work ethic, commitment and personal integrity • A passion for helping others understand the benefits of alternative energy
• An entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to self-motivate
There are opportunities for you if you have a minimum of $150,000 to invest and you want to make great money and really show your true colours.

If that sounds like you, and you have a genuine desire to take charge of your destiny by doing something you REALLY enjoy, Contact Famore on 07 3300 4092 today or Smiley Sansoni 0409 140 247 – our ref 8558