Yong is not a real estate agency, it’s a complete real estate company & franchise, incorporating the real estate marketing, management, investment and development, arguably the only one of it’s kind in the world.
On top of YONG successful “In House” franchise system, the unique international brand Yong is now expanding globally to individual franchisees! Hurry, before the better locations are all gone!

-No Upfront fee, no legal fees
-Ongoing only 3.95% + 1% Yong Carity Foundation
-1st Generation business coaching

Yong Walks the talk and puts his money where his mouth is. For the right peopleYong founder could even do a 50/50 partnership or appoint them as branch managers with no risk.

If any Yong Franchisee fails to increase their turnover by a minimum of 20% in the first year of switching to Yong – with the philosophy of the international brand Toyota, the most profitable car maker in the world – we will refund the full year’s franchise fee. Yong is aiming to become the largest real estate network in the world potentially employing over 300,000 people!

Log on to www.yong.com.au > yong news > yong snapshot to learn more about the highest ranking real estate company in Queensland.
YONG Does It Better!