With DA approval in place opportunities like this are few and far between. Sitting proudly on over 240 acres of ex dairy farm land sits a large Queenslander, multiple dams, sheds and paddocks. This family homestead is now up for sale and will be well sort after.
Positioned in the northern side of House Mountain this prime development opportunity will offer 20 blocks comprising of mostly 5 acre blocks and a few large 48+ acre blocks.

As part of the development, a second road access has been granted off Panorama Drive, Cedar Creek allowing for a greater yield.

With land of this kind in this area not often up for offer this large parcel of land will be a great investment for either now or later down the track.

Disclaimer: Ray White Samford believes the information for this property is correct, however, it does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information. You should make your own enquiries and check the information. Some information for this property has been obtained from external sources and may not have been independently verified.