This property and business is located near QUT and city. The business includes service station (convenience store, petrol station, and car service workshop). The features include:

- Land size 440m2 (indoor around 350m2)
- Two story building with workshop
- Working 5 days only (7am to 6pm)
- Long history over 21 years
- Turnover $900k with profit around $300k
- Stock 20-30k
- Must sell

Location: Kelvin Grove
Price: $1.3 million+
Inspection: by appointment
Contact: Aaron Tsai / Conan Li 0421 145 807 / 0404 617 767

此一物業連同加油站修車廠位於繁忙街道, 靠近昆士蘭科技大學和市中心土地440平方米 (室內350平方米)
21年歷史營業額90萬澳幣 (利潤約30萬)
存貨約2到3萬業主另有發展必售地點: Kelvin Grove
價格: 1百30萬以上參觀: 請預約聯絡: 蔡先生 0421 145 807 / 李先生 0404 617 767