(To search for more properties around Samford, search also by postcode 4520)

Situated at Kobble Creek and set against a spectacular bushland backdrop you will find this unspoilt 9.86 ha (approx 25ac) block in an exceptional hilltop location. Breathtaking panoramic views that stretch from Mount Samson and Clear Mountain all the way to the sand dunes of Moreton Island. This block is crying out for some love and attention, build your dream home and be surrounded by the majesty of the local bushland. Close enough to civilisation (only 15 minutes from Samford and 7 minutes to the township of Dayboro) but far enough away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Make an offer to secure your own piece of natures glory.
Phone Jason Mrak 0412 634 855 or Dean Jones 0433 061 776