This business freehold venture is rare, that only one individual can take advantage of. On offer is a newly renovated reputable backpacker lodge, in the highly sort after blue chip location of New Farm. Every week this inner city gold mine returns a more than generous income after costs, currently running at 100 plus percent occupancy and there are many more options to increase cash flow, which is only limited by you. This homestead is exceptionally clean and tidy and contains facilities such as a rear deck and pool area for entertaining and a spacious gourmet kitchen for guests to utilize. Included in this package is a hostel minivan to pick up and drop of any guests; bicycles; computers with internet connection, washing machines and a vending machine that is available for guests, as an option to further increase profits. This is the opportunity that you have been waiting for – the chance to add the spice and culture to your life and to others.