A Golden Opportunity exists to purchase a Block of Units, perfect for any Investment Portfolio or Super Fund. This Block includes 2 x 1 Bedroom and 3 x 2 Bedrooms Units on a level 802m2 block, located on the corner of two great streets in Nundah. Easy reach to Bus, Rail and the Nundah Village shopping precinct.
Features Include:
* 2 x 1 Bedroom Units, 3 x 2 Bedroom Units
* Approximately $70,200 per year Income
* Not Strata Titled
* 802sqm Block
* Garaging for 5 cars and another 5 off street.
* Opportunities are limited only by your imagination.

You could retain the current tenants and get a good return on your Investment with Capital Gain for your Super Fund, or reinvest a little to value add your overall purchase to increase your Rental Return.