Make your financial year roll into the next one positively with this cracking investment opportunity. This is about to go off…located so close to Beenleigh CBD at an unheard of price, you better enquire quickly to avoid being in the line to make this one part of your portfolio.
Features include:-
. Brick & tile complex – minimal maintenance
. 3 decent sized bedrooms – including built-ins in one
. Large lounge room – with air-conditioning
. Bonus of a bath – shower over bath
. Long term tenant paying $270 per week – keen to stay
. Lock up garage – secured parking for your tenant
. Awesome location – walking distance to Beenleigh CBD, close to schools, shops, sporting facilities & public transport
Rarely do these opportunities come up & when they do they don’t last long. With constant development in our thriving Beenleigh you as a savvy buyer know that delay in enquiring will mean possibly missing out.
Ideally situated half way between Brisbane City & the Gold Coast – it really is a fire cracker that is about to go off with a BANG! Be the one to grab the rewards.