The bags are nearly packed, the trucks been booked, new home organised. But there is only one problem they need their house SOLD before they move.

The owners are taking the drastic action of asking me to have there house sold by the end of the week as they are ready to go. They don’t want to wait one more week.

So if you are in the market for a uniquely different home, that is surprisingly big, then this could be the home for you

Do you want an exotic house that reminds you of the homes in Europe, but want to stay in Australia. Well this is the home for you.


4 bedrooms
1 bathroom but 2 toilets
Shed in backyard
good sized kitchen
separate living dining areas
610m2 block of land
internal stairs
rainwater tank
Garage with air con and 3 phase power

This home has to been seen to be appreciated. So please don’t judge it without having a look at it

Contact Jeroen Waalder on 0432 687 175 for further information