Eagleby Overview: (Settled 1863). An elevated location, residential areas are situated above recorded Flood Levels (1974). The suburb of Eagleby’s future expansion is limited by Green Belt (Logan and Albert River Flood Plains). Sugar cane, cattle grazing, small crops and commercial fishing activities border Eagleby’s residential fringes. Direct vehicle access to M1 (Brisbane (25 minutes) – Surfers Paradise (30 minutes) and direct vehicle access to Logan Motorway (Ipswich – Towoomba).
Numerous Council Boat Ramps provide direct river access to Moreton Bay
and Gold Coast Waterways. With no Residential Sprawl as it is halted by Green Belts (River Flood Plains). Only local vehicle traffic is on Eagleby roadways. Under the protection of the Green Belts, no traffic impacts from distant towns or suburbs exists.
Bus Services: Logan Hyperdome Shopping (See Google), Brisbane – Gold Coast. Commuter Trains: Town of Beenleigh (Circa 1863), Logan City,Brisbane City.
Like all good locations, Eagleby was chosen as a place to settle by Queensland’s early settlers. The lower slopes of the Darlington Range which decend to Eagleby and Beenleigh were accessable by boat from both the Albert and Logan Rivers. This high ground provided a firm and dry dissembarkment location for men to access the higher mountain ranges that decended from the ancient and extinct Mt Warning volcano. Here the giant tress of the sub-tropical forests could be harvested. In the conquest of this New World Wilderness, food produced on Eagleby’s fertile river soils sustained the combatants.
Today it is an exclusive and settled modern suburb with a highly desired level of legislative protection from the forces of external growth and expansion. If you want more than an endless suburban road lined with Hot Chickens, Video Stores and traffic lights then consider the settled location of Eagleby.