You’re in the market for something, tidy, low maintenance, secure and close to everything.

You’re not after anything too fancy but don’t want a dooer-upper either.

You love the look of genuine Timber Floorng and you need 3 big bedrooms with 2 big wardrobes.

You Know that 1 bathroom would be fine but 2 toilets would be just great.

Your kitchen has plenty of space and there is a great entertainment area.

Close to transport and shops, set on a fully secured, private 608m2 flat block, This home is ideal for either the young family or older couple wishing to be close to transport, shops, and schools.
For your private inspection please call Wanda on 0414 822 574

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Catherine, our highly skilled property manager, has said that this property is worth $270-$290 per week. Have you heard our agency now lists rentals without a price? When a new rental becomes available tenants are invited to submit their application at their highest price. Read more at – – .


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