This will appeal to investors interested in land-banking and earning an income from their investment. This fully-fenced property comprises 2.8 ha of level cleared mown land, with a truck depot and separate two storey three-bedroom home on the site.
Housing developments edge ever closer and community infrastructure is steadily becoming established. Currently zoned rural residential, the character and location of this block enhances its suitability for any future development opportunity which might arise, subject to Council approval.
Income can immediately be obtained from renting out the house, leasing out the truck depot, and potentially from agisting the remaining area (and thereby avoiding mowing costs). The seller is interested in leasing back the truck depot and house (and there are a number of local trucking businesses who also could be interested in leasing the depot), and there is an excellent rental demand in the area.
The property is only three minutes drive to the local state school, five minutes to the Woolworths shopping centre, and fifteen minutes to the Springfield shopping centre, university, train station and hospital. A larger shopping centre is currently being built at Springfield.
Don’t miss this opportunity – request an inspection today!