Entry Level Acreage!!
This property is situated on 2 acres and is going to be fantastic buying for you and your family. Featuring 4 bedrooms, open plan living areas, air conditioning and a neat and tidy kitchen with a terrific outlook!

4 bedrooms
1 bathroom
Colourbond shed + garden shed
Full length pergola
Freshly painted on the outside
Huge dam
Fully fenced & landscaped around the home.

Outside there is a full length pergola, a double colourbond shed + a garden shed, a large dam, accommodation for chooks and the property is fully fenced.

What an awesome opportunity to move on to acreage and at the right price as the Mortgagees instructions to me are that this WILL BE SOLD ON AUCTION DAY!!!

For inspections call Robyn Williams 38026922 or 0409 279 459