This Quad comes with 4 NRAS annual payments for the remaining 9+ years plus CPI. Completed in September 2012.
Settlement is 1st July 2013 and no earlier than 1st March 2013.
NRAS Disc Rents are 2 x $195pw & 2 x $205pw per studio. $205pw tenants have use of the 2 car garage.
Negative Gearing based on $10,000 per year = $48pw per studio.
Capital growth based on holding property 10 years = $157pw per studio.
In addition to the positive cash-flow from negative gearing, you’ll also receive:
4 Aspire Incentives of $9,981 each x 10 years = $399,240+CPI
$847,000 expected value in 2023.
Close to all amenities. All rooms in this single-titled quad are air-conditioned and tenanted. Only one Council rates account applies.
$20,000 full deposit is all that’s required to secure till settlement.
Caution: Loans for these types of unique properties are not as easy as traditional residential loans. Mortgage insurance is not available due to having more than 3 dwellings on 1 title. Valuers struggle with comparable sales evidence as this is the first completed and tenanted property offered for sale by the owners.
Buyers need to have at least $200,000+ in cash or equity.
Call today for over-the-phone loan indicative approvals on 07 3666 0126 24/7.