Try your new premises for 6 months before you buy or lease.

Expand your business with little risk. Pre-negotiate the purchase or lease of your preferred property at an agreed rate. Operate from your new premises for six months, establishing your business. Have the security of knowing where interest rates will be in six months. Get on with doing business by expanding your business at an absolute minimum risk. Try your new premises before you buy or lease. Vendor assumes all the risk, subject to easy conditions. Strictly limited opportunity call today. This Vendor wants to WORK WITH YOU!!!!!!

* 1,213m2 Warehouse + 187m2 Office
* 7.5 – 8.5 metres internal clearance
* Two large roller doors
* High quality office fitout and air conditioning
* 21 Carparks (5 undercover)
* Easy truck access
* Good logistical location visible from M1 Motorway Exits 41 or 45

Located approximately 38 kilometres south east of the Brisbane CBD and 35 kms north of the Gold Coast, the Yatala/Ormeau enterprise area boasts one of the largest land banks of serviced industrial land in south east Queensland. Split by the Pacific Motorway, the area has excellent access on and off the motorway. This provides an integral link to the Logan Motorway only 9kms to the north of the Yatala/Ormeau enterprise area. A large mix of companies have positioned their business in the area; Carlton United Breweries, Aldi’s Qld Head Office, VIP Petfoods, Oz Kleen, Harvey Norman Commercial, Stratco and Ritchie Bros Auctions.

For more detailed information on this property contact Luke Mullen directly on 0423 598 084 or email