This is a must see if you want the best this Resort offers. The lounge, dining and kitchen are open plan. Two extra large bedrooms allow including a computer table, a TV etc. An Air-conditioner keeps the temperature just right in any extremes. Although there is one bathroom there are two toilets.
There is also an air-con in the lounge.. The home is insulated making the 4 fans seem unnessary.A small front verandah is covered as is the deck on the eastern side where you can enjoy the early morning cuppa. It is also equipped with roll up blinds to control wind or glare.
There are carpets, curtains and vertical drapes in all rooms.
This Resort boasts so many recreational activities, that room doesn’t allow to mention.Particularly impressive is the community ‘shed’ just a three minute walk away. The complex is security gated for your safety.

Contact Kelvin on 0422010986 for an early inspection.