The search stops here. Great value buying in the much sought after Windaroo Estate. There is nothing not to love, the street is quiet and traffic free, the neighbours are fantastic, the home ticks all the boxes on the” I Want” list, plus it overlooks the Golf Course and lake with the bonus of no Body Corporate fees, Yippee…
Main features included are
- 5 bedrooms & ensuite
- Formal lounge & dining
- Large family & meals area
- Central kitchen with loads of storage
- 5×8 covered entertainment area
- Security screens & ceiling fans
- Reverse Cycle Air conditioning
- Fully fenced & overlooking Golf Course
- Back yard access
- Double Lock Up Garage
- Adjoining Windaroo Golf Course
This is a lovely home for any family to grow and a great asset sure to increase in value over the coming years. WARNING -only serious buyers need apply because once you stop the car, the value is so great, you may not be able to move yourself on again.