A delightful 3 bedroom home set on a quiet 607sqm block in a very quiet street.
With a split third level offering a teenagers retreat option, you’ll feel spoilt with room to burn here!
The south facing aspect of this home lends itself to a spacious and sun drenched back yard that all Queenslanders yearn for.
This sure is a great family environment with a wide selection of schools and services to choose from.
Lounge/family room, 2 Pac kitchen, veranda, internal stairs, dedicated laundry and the list of features goes on…
Fully fenced with a great street appeal, come and see what the Peninsula can offer!

Book your private inspection now!

07 32036001 (24 Hours)


**A Sustainability Declaration is available upon request for this property – please contact the agent or this office for a copy**

Property Code: 106419798