Here is the ideal project to cut your teeth on and set yourself up for life!. A simple little 12 lot sub-division that already has D.A. and Operational Works approval.
The current owner has had to hand the opportunity on due to poor health but is still there to offer advice to the budding property developer.
Details of the parcel are as follows:
Zoning: Residential A in emerging area with Council in favour of options such as:
- Residential 400m2 blocks
- Residential with duplexes on 600m2 lots
- Smaller blocks – see concept drawings
- Independent Living Retirement Village. Note: these are all single level with garages. By using two storey units the yield could be greater
- Aged Care with Code Assessable under the current Town Plan
- Gate Community or Cluster Houses
- High Density Dwellings in accordance with current Res A emerging area zoning
- Units/Townhouses
Council Approvals:
Lot 135:
1. Has a current DA until June 2014 for 12 blocks ranging in size from 600m2 to 835m2
2. Approval for access from service road off Beacon Street until such times as the owner on the west side proceeds with her development
3. Council Approval Civil Working Drawings – an amendant needed due to new access road
Land: Primarily flat with bordering tree line. An undulating slight slope to northwest corner.
Please contact Peter Cook for further information.