Our anxious Sellers personal circumstances are forcing the immediate sale of this superb property and we are instructed to find buyers to PRESENT OFFERS ASAP prior to Auction. This home must be sold NOW!! There is no time like the present to capitalise when an opportunity like this presents itself…

Stunning, spacious and stylishly appointed residence set upon a 626m2 parcel of land in a highly elevated position in Fairway Chase and exuding sophistication and elegance from the moment you step in the door.

Once inside you will discover and experience the exhilarating feeling of light, air and space afforded by the 11 ft raked ceilings which also serve to encapsulate the quality finishes that surround you from every angle.

No expense has been spared and this residence is an absolute “must see” for those who appreciate the finer things in life….

Opportunities for large lowset, high calibre homes in this elite area that offer both quality and luxury such as this do not present themselves often.

Boasting too many features and qualities to adequately list, this residence is sure to impress even the most discerning of buyers and interested parties should not delay inspecting and making an Offer now!!!!

Call Darren on 0400 197 529 anytime 7 days or come to the open home Saturday 11am – 11.30am.

Please contact the Sales Consultant to view a copy of the Sustainability Declaration for this property.