Make full use of this property with it’s fully self contained office at the rear of the house. The office has all the amenities required to run any small business – Air conditioning, full kitchen with oven and cooktop, ensuite and laundry, multiple phone and data points with it’s own electricity meter! Work from home without the expense of leasing an office!!
Or utilise it for anythings else – Teenagers or elderly relatives (less than 250m from Redcliffe Hospital)
The home itself has 3 large bedrooms, all with built in robes and mirrors, fully insulated and refurbished bathroom and kitchen, air conditioning. The kitchen has a new stove, oven, and rangehood – less than 12 months old. There have been recent minor renovations to the house. A brand new roof and a new paint job, externally and internally, will keep the maintenance to a minimum for a long time to come.
A double lock up garage with automatic panel lift door
Short walk to shops/transport and hospital. Perfect for investment property, currently rentred out and positively geared. Only serious buyers need apply