This KING SIZE Double Storey Home has room for two families and has DA for 6 3bedroom Units· 6 Bedrooms all with built ins and fans· Air conditioning· 2 offices, 1 upstairs and 1 down stairs· 2 bathrooms 1 up stairs and 1 down stairs· Kitchen is huge with dishwasher and plenty of cupboard space· Formal Dinning Room· Open plan Lounge room· Sunroom· Back porch· 3 meter Deep x 10 meter Long x 4 meter Wide Salt Water Inground Swimming Pool· Gazeebo with BBQ Tables · 5000lt water Tank· 2 Car Shed with power


Only $5950 in commission is all this owner will pay by selling with Go Gecko Redcliffe. Contact us today and save thousands. Go Gecko Redcliffe – you deserve it…..