This four bedroom holiday home is located on one of the most amazing islands in Australia. Moreton Island is 98% national parks and wildlife ensuring that these homes will remain unique for as long as the island exists, and is also the third largest sand island in the world. There are amazing white sandy beaches, turquoise and crystal clear waters, abundant wildlife, artificial reefs, the world’s largest coastal sand hill, a magnificent lighthouse and inland fresh water lakes and lagoons, just to name a few of the fantastic things to be experienced whilst here on the island. There really is not another location that is so amazing.

To top it off the home is situated within the Tangalooma Island Resort. Here there is also a huge array of different activities to enjoy, from quad bike riding and helicopter joy flights, to the wold famous event that occurs every night beside the jetty – the wild dolphin feeding.

The new owner of this beautiful home will have full use of the resort facilities; however, once inside and enjoying the ocean views from the deck it is very tempting to do absolutely nothing but relax. The beautiful pool with water feature also has the views right out to the ocean. The master bedroom has been positioned perfectly to capture the waters and beaches of Moreton Island. The whole house is well appointed with a great kitchen ready for entertaining, a double garge for the 4wd and boat, a deck ready for dancing and a pool ready to be enjoyed.

For more information about this home and Moreton Island, feel free to call me at any time. The terms of purchase for this home can vary too, as the owner is willing to do a swap, so again for more details call now.

CONTACT TOM GRIFFITHS on Mobile 0419 663 774.