Buy this perfectly located development site in the heart of Cleveland and take advantage of up $1.5 million dollars of council infrastructure fee exemptions on offer by the Redland City Council STCA and put this money straight into your nett profit!
The perfect location for a motel, commercial office space, residential development or a combination of mixed use – you decide.
Located outbound heading south on Bloomfield Street, the site is ideal for estate agencies, convenience stores, gyymasiums, car dealerships, medical centres and health professionals, serviced offices, executive suites, the possibilities for this site are endless.
Or development the commercial space below and residential apartments above, the combinations and choices are endless. Or simply sit on the site for the moment and develop when good for your individual needs and take advantage of the strong capital gain prospects for Bayside in the near term.
After considerable time on the market, the sellers have advised that given their current circumstances, they will be selling the property on or before sale day.
Consequently, all previous pricing must be disregarded as the property needs to be sold.
*Redland City Council have available development contribution and infrastructure charge exemptions at the time of placement of this advertisement. Please contact the Redland City Council for complete details.