The resort currently enjoys rating of 8.7 from 10 with, 4.7 from 5 with Expedia, and 5 from 5 with Tripadvisor. As indicated by these external agencies and guests alike.

The current managers choose to rent an ocean-front apartment in the complex, and rent their apartment (26) to guests. The rental income from the managers apartment almost offsets the rent paid to the owner of the ocean-front apartment this is a lifestyle choice by the current managers.

The current Managers have developed an efficient after-hours check-in system which affords them a break each week from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning, and public holidays, which allows them the freedom to enjoy the beautiful island lifestyle Stradbroke has to offer.

They also have an after-hours answering service Nitel who screen all calls outside of office hours, and have a knowledge of the complex, and only contact the managers if there is a genuine need for them to attend to anything that needs a management decision.

Managers Apartment $559,000
Management Rights Business $1,153,066
Total List Price $1,712,066 with a net profit of $256,237 as verified by industry accountants.
The office / reception, conference room, linen / storage room, are all on title and are all included in the unit price above.

For your chance to change your lifestyle contact Mike Mallory for further information on this outstanding opportunity on 0409 494 098 or email