A FREE 8m caravan with a solid annex connected water ,power gas and septic fully self contained with council approval to live while you finish the house rent free. This 2 bedroom with ensuite and separate bathroom,the house was designed as a 2 story but we had the plans redrawn and approved by council as a single story,so if you wish we have council approved approved plans for the second level, also the house is built to 2 story specs. If your uable to see photos look up this property on GUMTREE .com
The house is currently at lockup stage,all the plumbing is done and approved by council ie; septic, gas ,water and waste pipes. All the electrical is done even the under ground mains.
What also comes with the house is a 20ft container for storage.
As said before the house is connected to mains water and main electric system.
The house is on brick foundations with cypress frame with 300mm by 150mm solid cypress beams 2.7m ceilings and 150mm by150mm posts all exposed inside and out.
the cladding and windows are cedar which are oiled so to touch up just add more oil.
This is a very low maintenance home.