Camp Hill Shows The Christmas Cheer, with this property out just in time. And $189,330 BELOW the market average in the area, all for the New Year.

The astute buyer will ask, “Is this really true… or merely real estate hype?”

If you’re asking yourself that question, then here are the facts:
Camp Hill has seen a 9.28% Capital Growth average since 2002 even through a decline in the market. The beauty is that the buyers market is still here. NOW WE HAVE PROOF.
Median Sales Price of 2012 is $638,330 (This was down from last years figure of $670,729)

NOW: To the Property

405m2 Block Size

3 bedroom home
1 bathroom
Single Carport
Lock Up Garden Shed
Yard for the family or the pets

Call Zane now to arrange an inspection before someone else takes your Christmas Cheer.

The sustainability declaration for this property can be obtained by contacting the agent.