This business package in Carina Heights provides a solid income for a dedicated individual (with part time staff) or a two person team who have longed to work together but couldnt find the right job with the security that this offers. Located just a one minute walk from Westfield Carindale Shopping Centre. Who needs a car.
Or alternatively you are Not Required to Live on site rent the unit out at Market Value. . Priceless and a rare find in Management Rights. A REAL Hidden Bonus and up to an extra $20k P.A NOT included in the stated P&L.
Virtually a protected Income which the Banks treat as blue chip Investments when lending to prospective buyers. The Buyer will benefit from the years of experience of the Sellers, as they have put in place office systems which have been designed for clarity, transparency and economy to take away any doubts the new buyer may have about running such a business. Time Saved Equals Money Saved
A new 25 year caretaking agreement in place. What price do you put on Peace Of Mind knowing this is in place. $$$$$$$$$$$ The Buyer will benefit from the years of experience of the Sellers, as they have put in place office systems which have been designed for clarity, transparency and economy to take away any doubts the new buyer may have about running such a business. Time Saved Equals Money Saved
Body Corporate Salary: $130,649
Net Profit: $299,650
Managers Unit Price: $419,000
Management Rights Price: $1,659,000
Total Price: $2,078,000 Negotiable
2 pools with lock-up storage at each. Two large garden sheds for garden equipment. Body Corp has supplied all required tools. Termite and rodent inspection programme in place. Regular paid dump runs to Chandler. High area maintenance timed and paid for at 20 hours per month.