Looking for a biz that can help you make $$ even though you are away. How about a “LAUNDRETTE” biz with DIY (coin operated) machines and also a stable database of clientele for non-DIY. Very easy to manage and also can operate on a part-time basis and still have the opportunity to do other biz.

Located in a big shopping centre, this shop known as LAUNDRY WORLD” has got some contracted clients such as a few medical centres (doctor’s & nurses’ uniforms) etc. Servicing the local community that is increasing rapidly due to the influx of overseas migrants and interstate migration, this shop certainly has heaps of potential for biz growth. With several development projects waiting to be launched such Kingman Estate, Sunnybank Grove Estate (already live-in) , the townhouses project and also the 2 nearby retirement villages, the surrounding community just cant do without this launderette which has been established 13 years ago. Owners selling for retirement!


Low rent : $1,676 / month
Outgoings: $150 / month
Lease Expiry: 2010
Machinery: $60,000

Further information, please call: -

Yong Real Estate 3373 9888