Yes we’re genuine! Yes we’re motivated! Yes our bags are packed!

The choice is yours but please make it NOW! I’m bursting for something exciting to happen here!

My special space is a leafy 539m2 a beaut spot in brilliant Bardon the best of inner city living!

I currently have 2 bedrooms (second with adjoining patio), bathroom, kitchen and living area upstairs while down there is car accommodation and plenty of storage with an outdoor area for BBQ’s and relaxed casual entertaining! It’s the start. So zip into your creative mode, break out the tools and begin an exceptional transformation! Image the finished product here!

Or start afresh and turn this great space into the property of your dreams! Have a brand new stunning sophisticated residence amongst quality homes in a highly prized location.

Remember it’s popular inner city CBD, schools, shopping, eateries all close by..

So come and see me and then decide what your choice will be!

Time is rapidly running out for us! It’s a bargain bonanza in Bardon!

Sustainability Declaration available upon request