Located just 39 kilometres from Dysart via the Dysart Clermont Road, the property is 12 kilometres off the Peak Downs Highway.
Distances to other centres are:
- Clermont – 61 km
- Capella – 79 km
- Emerald – 130 km
- Nebo – 150 km
- Mackay – 242 km
Rural 240 volt power and telephone, primary and secondary schools at Dysart, Agricultural Collage at Emerald.
Export abattoirs at Mackay and Rockhampton, liveweight saleyards at Clermont, Emerald, Nebo and Gracemere.
Real Property Description:
Lot 4 on Crown Plan C409, Parish of Cotherstone, County of Cairns
Local Government:
Isaac Shire Council
Semi open shaded country timbered with bluegum, black tea tree, sheoak, coolibah and box along the watercourses and creek flats with Morton Bay ash, bloodwood, ironbark, currajong and wilga throughout.
With Philips Creek, Logans Springs and Chance Creek traversing the property approximately 20,000 acres is described as flat to undulating with the balance being some ridges and steeper country. The soils range from heavy self mulching blacks, alluvial creek loams, red and basalt loams. The ridge country is very sweet and grows a large body of grass.
Well grassed with pastures of tableland mitchell, flinders, black spear, soft native pastures and areas of buffel. Large areas would be suitable for the establishment of leuceana.
Watered by 10 bores, 2 dams as well as permanent & semi permanent springs in “Logan Springs”, Chance Creek & seasonal water along Phillips Creek.
Centrally located is the residence, quarters, shed and cattle yards. The main residence is lowset and has 3 bedrooms, front verandah and rear patio. The quarters are a new Ausco demountable 2 bedroom building with kitchen, septic and bathroom, the building has a 12 metre x 3 metre covered outdoor living area. The steel frame shed is 20 metres x 12 metres with the electricity connected and 12 metres x 6 metres workshop section concreted.
Centrally located to all paddocks are the yards and cooling paddocks. A plunge dip is included whilst not used it is in very good order and has been kept filled with water.
Subdivided into 9 paddocks feeding into the centrally located yards.
Versatile breeding, growing & fattening property with a carrying capacity of 2100 dry cattle or 1400 breeders.