Your Future is Assured

32km East of Emerald, 10km from Dunavants Cotton Gin and 250km West of Rockhampton

Portion 1 = 612.1ha (1,512ac) Freehold
Portion 2 = 931.4ha (2,301ac) Freehold
Total Area = 1,543.5ha (3,814ac) Freehold

Portion 1 = 301ha (743ac)
Portion 2 = 413.7 (1,022ac)
Total Irrigation Area = 714.7ha (1,766ac) with room to expand further on Brigalow and sandy laoms.

This property has heavier soil types, which are considered to be some of the premium soils available for Cotton, Cereals, Leucaena, Mungbeans etc and also lighter soils most suited to Citrus, Grapes and Peanuts being gently sloping and well drained.

1,200ML allocation, 500ML ring tank, flood harvesting via Nogoa River and 360ML weir on Winton Creek. Most of the pumping stations are connected to 3 Phase power.
There is also the added water security via Fairbairn Dam which can hold around four times the capacity of Sydney Harbour, with a shoreline of more than 200 kilometres.

Portion 1 = Main Homestead, Managers Residence, Workers Quarters, Machinery Shed, Workshop and Storage Shed, Chemical Shed, numerous Rain Water Tanks, 6 Silos (totaling 402 tonne capacity), Silage Pit and 2 Fuel Tanks
Portion 2 = Machinery Shed

9 main and 2 holding paddocks, watered by dams, troughs and the weirs.
All fences are maintained to stock proof condition.

This property is situated in the heart of the tightly held Emerald irrigation area in Central Queensland, home to the second largest inland body of water in Queensland, the Fairbairn Dam.

With strong Cotton prices and secure water for several years, there has never been a better time to purchase this large, versatile irrigation property in a fast developing area.

All offers will be taken seriously and time settlement is an option.

A copy of the Sustainability Declarations for this property are available on request from the agent.