Approx 400 acres elevated scrub country located 40kms from Rockhampton in the highly regarded Garnant District. Two Titles with three road (3 developed plus 1 gazetted)

‘Ben Bullen’ has a comprehensive system of banks and levies all established with para and alemen grass, balance of the country has prolific stands of green panic, pangola and buffel. One paddock of approx 50 acres contains a useful stand of Leucaena.

Improvements: 2 Bedroom older style home, large shed with power, timber stockyards, loading ramp, plunge dip and timber stalls

Services: Primary and Secondary School bus service, 3 Phase Power

Fencing: Mostly 4 barb, subdivided into 15 paddocks

Water: Extensive system of 9 dams with one dam gravity feeding yards and house

Carrying Capacity: Fatten Approximately 70 to 80 Head